Investing in innovative and quality solutions to meet the most pressing healthcare needs of tomorrow


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ReAya Holding is MENA's first permanent capital vehicle fully dedicated to investments in Healthcare & Life Sciences. ReAya continues to seek additional opportunities that fit with their core business. Their strategy may involve growth capital in existing established businesses in the region as well as introduction of established foreign specialized healthcare operators to the MENA region. They support such companies in formulating growth strategies and execute turn-around initiatives at the operational level. They do not specifically target “exiting” from its investee companies, although this remains one of the options to maximize shareholders’ returns.


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Providing honest medical service, disease prevention awareness and fighting hazardous social habits. A polyclinic is a health care provider that resembles a hospital in all aspects: it holds sub-clinics of various specialties, a laboratory, an x-ray lab and an emergency room operating around the clock. However, the core difference between both healthcare providers is in surgical cases where policlinics do not admit patients in for surgeries requiring general anesthesia; for that purpose, they would be referred to hospitals.


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Arabio is a biopharmaceutical company specialized in human vaccines, plasma products, and other biopharmaceuticals. It is the first biopharmaceutical company in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC region). The size and scope of activities intended to be produced by Arabio make the company the first biological manufacturer of its kind in the Middle East.


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Al Zahrawi Group is a healthcare focused group specializing in medical devices, diagnostic Lab and analytical Lab supplies with presence in UAE and Qatar. Headquartered in Dubai, Al Zahrawi is an exclusive distributor of leading global brands.